the time that is required to fully charge the battery after the switching sequence.
If the switch sequence has not been carried out correctly, or the aforementioned requirements have
not been satisfied, the operational life test will not be conducted.
If there was an error in the switching procedure, the entire switch sequence can only be repeated after
60 seconds have elapsed.
The points at which regular operational life tests are carried out are not affected by conducting a
manual test using either of these methods.
3. For models with a battery box by means of disconnecting and reconnecting the battery:
Open and close the lid of the battery box twice within a 60-second period. Opening and closing the
case must occur within 10 seconds of each other.
If this procedure is done correctly, immediately after the battery box is closed for the second time, the
signal LED will display an acknowledgement light. The five-second long red-green acknowledgement
light confirms that a operational life test will be conducted 12 hours later.
Should a battery capacity fault be present when the acknowledgement light is displayed, more
operational life tests will then be carried out at 52 week intervals. If no fault was detected in the battery
capacity, the interval until the next regular operational life test is unaffected.
During the functionality and operational life tests, the light fitting will switch on even if it
was previously switched off!
2.3 Ascertainable faults and reset of the display
LED failure
If a fault in the LED is detected by the emergency light unit during a functionality test, the LEDs will be
switched off and the fault will be indicated by a permanent red light on the signal LED.
An LED fault will be reset if a functionality test produces a positive result or if the emergency light unit
is completely separated from the battery and power supply.
Battery capacity failure
If the emergency light unit detects during a operational life test that the capacity of the emergency light
battery is insufficient to maintain the light fitting for the nominal operating time in the case of an
emergency, the signal LED will display a red blinking light.
An emergency battery that no longer has sufficient capacity must be replaced immediately (see
Section 6.3).
The display indicating a fault in the battery capacity can only be reset by means of a successful
operational life test.
Battery contact failure
When the electrical connection between the emergency light unit and the emergency battery is broken,
the signal LED will display a red flashing light.
A battery contact failure and its signal are automatically reset as soon as the connection between the
emergency light unit and the battery is re-established.