Operating instructions
Safety light grid
SLG 420
turer. Detailed information regarding the range of applications can be
found in the chapter "Product description".
1.5 General safety instructions
Additional measures could be required to ensure that the electro-sensi-
tive device does not present a dangerous breakdown, when other forms
of light beams are available in a special application (e.g. use of wireless
control devices on cranes, radiation of welding sparks or effects of
stroboscopic lights).
The user must observe the safety instructions in this operating instruc-
tions manual, the country-specific installation standards as well as all
prevailing safety regulations and accident prevention rules.
Further technical information can be found in the Schmersal
catalogues or in the online catalogue on the Internet: www.
The information contained in this operating instructions manual is provi-
ded without liability and is subject to technical modifications
If multiple safety components are wired in series, the Perfor-
mance Level to EN ISO 13849-1 will be reduced due to the
restricted error detection under certain circumstances. The
entire concept of the control system, in which the safety com-
ponent is integrated, must be validated to EN ISO 13849-2.
There are no residual risks, provided that the safety instructions as well
as the instructions regarding mounting, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are observed.
1.6 Warning about misuse
In case of inadequate or improper use or manipulations of the
safety switchgear, personal hazards or damage to machi-
nery or plant components cannot be excluded. The relevant
requirements of the standards EN ISO 13855 (successor of
EN 999) and EN ISO 13857 must be observed.
1.7 Exclusion of liability
We shall accept no liability for damages and malfunctions resulting from
defective mounting or failure to comply with this operating instructions
manual. The manufacturer shall accept no liability for damages resul-
ting from the use of unauthorised spare parts or accessories.
For safety reasons, invasive work on the device as well as arbitrary re-
pairs, conversions and modifications to the device are strictly forbidden;
the manufacturer shall accept no liability for damages resulting from
such invasive work, arbitrary repairs, conversions and/or modifications
to the device.
2. Product description
2.1 Ordering code
This operating instructions manual applies to the following types:
SLG 420-E/R
Distance between outermost beams:
500 mm, 2-beam
800 mm, 3-beam
900 mm, 4-beam
Range 0.3 m ... 18 m
Range 8 m ... 40 m
Only if the information described in this operating instructions
manual are realised correctly, the safety function and therefo-
re the compliance with the Machinery Directive is maintained.
2.2 Special versions
For special versions, which are not listed in the order code below 2.1,
these specifications apply accordingly, provided that they correspond to
the standard version.
2.3 Scope of delivery and accessories
2.3.1 Accessories included in delivery
Mounting kit MS-1030
The kit comprises 4 rotating mounting angles and 16 mounting screws
for fixing to the end caps.
2.3.2 Optional accessories
Centre fixing MS-1051
Consisting of 2 steel angles, 4 fixing screws and 4 T-slot nuts
Connecting cable for transmitter
Item number
Female connector M12, 4-pole 5 m
Female connector M12, 4-pole 10 m
Female connector M12, 4-pole 20 m
Connecting cable for receiver
Item number
Female connector M12, 8-pole 5 m
Female connector M12, 8-pole 10 m
Female connector M12, 8-pole 20 m
BUS converter NSR-0801
Converter for parametrization and diagnostics. Detailled information can
be found in the operating instructions manual of the NSR-0801.
Included in delivery: integrated connecting cable, PC-software USB
2.0 connection (L x W x H, 122 x 60 x 35 mm), indications of measure-
ments without cable
MSD4 Vibration damper
Kit consisting of: 8 vibration dampers 15 x 20 mm, 8 M5 cylinder head
screws with hexagon socket, 8 spring washers
The MSD4 vibration damper kit must be used for damping vibrations
and oscillations on the SLG 420. For applications with higher mecha-
nical stresses, e.g. presses, punching machines, we recommend the
MSD4 kit. In this way, the availability of the SLG 420 is increased.
2.4 Destination and use
The SLC 420 is a non-contact, self-testing safety guard, which is used
for the protection of hazardous points, hazardous areas and machine
accesses. If one or more light beams are interrupted, the hazardous
movement must be stopped.
The user must evaluate and design the safety chain in ac-
cordance with the relevant standards and the required safety