Fig. 1
Op e r a t i n g Ae r a t o r
1. Start engine.
2. Make sure the rear tires are in the down position
(tines not touching ground). Slowly pull back on the
control handle(s). Figure 1
3. Move aerator to the work area.
4. Release control handles and push down on lowering
handle putting tines in the turf.
5. Pull back slowly on the control handles to begin
aerating. For maximum penetration into turf, apply
downward pressure on handle.
This model has
control handles designed so it can be steered
around corners, obstacles, etc. Pull both control
handles back to go straight.
By pulling back only the
left control handle, the Aerator will turn left, by pull-
ing back only the right control handle, unit will turn
right. Pull both control handles back to go straight.
Release handles to stop.
7. When finished aerating, release both control
handles, wait for tines to stop moving, pull up on
lowering handle to remove tines from turf and move
wheels into transport position.
S t o p p i n g En g i n e
1. Release control handles.
2. Turn off ignition switch.
Lowering Handle
Control Handle (Left Side)
1 1