In the home
All parts that come into contact with the patient or
the aerosol (the mouthpiece, mask, mask adapter,
medicine cup, nebuliser cover, air filter and its
cover, tubing) must be thoroughly cleaned using
hot water or in a dishwasher and should be disin-
fected at regular intervals using a disinfectant that
is suitable for plastics (such as Gigasept, Kohrsolin
or Sekusept). They should be rinsed in water where
necessary. It is very important that they be careful-
ly dried afterwards.
The movable parts should be replaced with new
ones at regular intervals, depending on the extent
of their use (see spare parts).
The transfer water in the water reservoir must be
removed at least 1x a day and the container rinsed
out with hot water and disinfected at regular inter-
vals. It must then be dried.
Clean the base unit using a soft cloth that has been
wetted with water and a cleaning agent that is not
In medical practices
All movable parts that come into contact with the
patient or the aerosol must be replaced before the
unit is used by a different patient.
The Travelset 1 or 2 (see page 22) should be used
for this.
The transfer water in the water reservoir must be
removed and the container rinsed out with hot
water and disinfected at regular intervals. It must
then be dried.
For users in Germany it is recommended that one
of the disinfectants in the current list issued by the
DGHM* be used. Disinfectants that are based on
halogen-releasing compounds, strong organic acids
or oxygen-releasing compounds are not recom-
mended because they may damage the container
• Solvents such as acetone or benzene must not be
• Water or disinfectant solution must not be allow-
ed to penetrate the electrical connection (socket
on the base unit).
* German Association for Hygiene and Microbiology
travel seiten engl. 03.04.2003 15:59 Uhr Seite 18