Fuelling, Fig. 3
Open the fuel tank cap (14).
Pour in the fuel mixture using a funnel.
Do not fill the tank completely as fuel expands.
Close the fuel tank cap (14) tightly and clean the area
from possibly spilled fuel mixture.
Fuel mixture
The auger‘s motor is a two-stroke motor. It is driven by a
1:40 fuel mixture made up of two-stroke oil and fuel. The
fuel requires unleaded ordinary petrol with a research
octane count of at least 91. Lubrication of the motor
takes place by adding premium two-stroke oil.
Do not mix the fuel mixture in the fuel tank. Use the
mixing container supplied or another appropriate
container. Only pour the fuel mixture into the fuel
tank after previously mixing and stirring it well.
Use fresh, clean fuel. Water and contaminants in the
petrol damage the fuel system.
Fuel tank capacity: 1.2 litres
Refuel in a well-ventilated area with the motor not run
ning. If the motor was in use directly prior to refuelling,
leave it to cool down first. Never refuel the machine in
a building where the petrol fumes can reach flames or
Petrol is highly flammable and explosive. When
handling fuel, you may suffer burns or other severe
Turn off the motor and keep away from heat, sparks
and flames.
Only ever refuel outside.
Wipe up spilled petrol straight away.
Starter cord (Fig. 3)
Pulling the cord (9) starts the motor.
Choke lever (Fig. 4)
The choke lever (C) closes and opens the choke in the
carburettor. In the „OFF“ position, the air-petrol-mixture
is enriched for the motor‘s cold start. The „ON“ position is
used for the operation of the motor and for a warm start.
Idle setting screw (Fig. 4)
Using screw (D), the auger‘s idling mixture can be ad
justed. If the idling mixture is a little too high (the boring
head turn by itself in idle mode), the idling mixture can
be reduced by slowly turning the screw anti-clockwise.
Warning! Other work on the carburettor must be car
ried out by a specialist.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4