Line Scan Camera SK2048GJR-4L Manual (09.2016) • shar
ol(3b)_Sync-ModV_USB3_ML.indd (09.2016)
Instruction Manual
© 2016
Schäfter + Kirchhoff GmbH
Camera Control and Performing a Scan
Schäfter + Kirchhoff
differentiates several trigger
modes identified by a number, which can be
selected in the control dialog as appropriate.
• Open the 'Camera Control' dialog [F4] to
configure the synchronization. The trigger mode
settings are available in the middle frame.
• Frame- and line-triggered synchronization can
be combined. Tick the 'Frame Sync' box to
activate the frame synchronization mode.
• The Trigger Control stage is followed by a
Trigger Divider stage inside the camera. Enter
the division ratio into the 'Divider' field.
Free Run / SK Mode 0
The acquisition of each line is internally synchronized (free-running) and the next scan is started automatically on
completion of the previous line scan. The line frequency is determined by the programmed value.
LineStart / SK Mode 1
On an external trigger, the currently exposed line will be read out at the next internal line clock. The start and duration
of exposure are controlled internally by the camera and are not affected by the trigger. The exposure time is program-
mable and the trigger does not affect the integration time. The line frequency is determined by the trigger clock
Restriction: The period of the trigger signal must be longer than the exposure time used.
ExposureStart / SK Mode 4 (only available when camera supports integration control)
A new exposure is started exactly at the time of external triggering and the current exposure process will be inter-
rupted. The exposure time is determined by the programmed value. The exposed line will be read out with the next
external trigger. The trigger clock frequency determines the line frequency.
Restriction: The period of the trigger signal must be longer than the exposure time used.
ExposureActive / SK extSOS (Mode 5)
The exposure time and the line frequency are controlled by the external trigger signal. This affects both the start of
a new exposure (start-of-scan pulse, SOS) and the reading out of the previously exposed line.
FrameTrigger / SK FrameSync
The frame trigger synchronizes the acquisition of a 2D
area scan. The individual line scans in this area scan can
be synchronized in any of the available line trigger modes.
The camera suppresses the data transfer until a falling
edge of a TTL signal occurs at the FRAME SYNC input.
The number of lines that defines the size of the frame
must be programmed in advance.
Video Valid
Data transmission
Combined frame and line synchronization
The synchronization mode determines the timing of the line scan. Synchronization can be either performed inter-
nally or triggered by an external source, e.g. an encoder signal.
The line scan camera can be externally triggered in two different ways:
Line-triggered synchronization:
Each single line scan is triggered by the falling edge of a TTL signal supplied to LINE SYNC A input.
SK2048GJR-4L line scan camera facilitates advanced synchronization control by a second trigger
input LINE SYNC B. For a detailed description, see
Advanced Synchronization Control, p. 22
Frame-triggered synchronization:
A set of lines resulting in a 2-dimensional frame or image is triggered by the falling edge of a TTL signal
on FRAME SYNC input.
Synchronization Modes
Camera Control dialog