Current wind speed
Signal strength
Pre alarm 2 threshold
Max alarm threshold
Peak wind bar graph
Current wind
bar graph
Wind speed unit
Scarlet WindPro display consists of 3 pages including: 1) readings of wind speed; 2) alarm settings and 3)
graphs to provide users information for project management.
By pressing HIST key user can navigate to page 2 and 3 to see the wind speed and max. alarm history. To
switch back to the first-page user can long pressing HIST key for 3 seconds or leave the device alone for 1
The contents of the display are shown above. Note: in both bar graphs, the max alarm value set by user is
always on the 3/4 bar height. One icon not shown in the photo is data packet receiving indicator and it
flashes by the side the signal strength.
8 hours peak wind speed history graph with 5 minutes resolution, each
row presents the peak wind speed during 5 minutes
First Page
Second Page
With upper button pressed at power ON – RESET is performed (all settings except “Sensor Address”and “WS
Cal. Factor” goes to default values).
8 hours Maximum alarm history graph with 5 minutes resolution.
Third Ppage
Restore Receiver to Default