Fix the clamp to the operating table about 40 cm from the head of the table. The clamp may be
fixed on either side of the table. Make sure that the clamp is pressed firmly against the side of the
table before tightening.
Alternatively, the clamp may be mounted on any horizontal surface that can be positioned within
60 cm of the working position, such as a mobile trolley.
It is important that the mounting surface be free from vibration and movement. Note that in cases
where the mounting surface is not rigid, over-tightening of the vertical clamp will not improve
microscope stability. In this case, add a stiffening plate (such as Scan Optics Table Plate; Cat No.
SO-291) beneath the mounting surface and apply the clamp over the stiffening plate and the
original mounting surface.
Locate the pillar safety clamp and place it on the pillar if it is not there already. Tighten the pillar
safety clamp at a point midway up the pillar.
Place the arm assembly on the pillar. Make sure that the arm assembly rests against the pillar
safety clamp. Loosen the elbow knob to allow the pantograph arm to rotate about the elbow joint.