SO-161-R Ophthalmic Microscope
User Manual
Page 11 of 18
Issue number 1.0
X:\Current User Manuals\SO-161-R User Manual v1.0.doc
Note that the equipment must be located more than 25 cm away from any medical gas system or
disinfection or degreasing system containing flammable vapour. The power supply must also be
protected from liquid splashes and spills.
Set the instrument approximately in position by swinging the elbow as required.
Set the focus adjustment to the midway position by rotating the focus knob appropriately.
Adjust the height of the microscope by moving the arm vertically so that the work area is
approximately in focus. Tighten the pillar and elbow lock knobs.
Check the eyepiece setting to ensure clear vision with each eye separately, and set the
pupillary distance. Note that the working distance is increased by rotating both eyepieces in
a clockwise direction, and reduced by rotating both eyepieces counter-clockwise.
The microscope can now be swung aside ready for use with a patient.
Swing the microscope over the patient
Tighten the pillar lock knob until the microscope is prevented from moving freely, but is
still able to be moved when required. The friction of the arm and elbow knobs should be
adjusted so that the movement feels uniform in all directions.
To swing the microscope out of the way, unlock the pillar lock knob and swing the
microscope about the vertical pillar. It will remain in focus when returned to the work area.
Switch the microscope on using the mains switch – the LED mounted in the switch will glow
when the microscope is switched on. Use the manual light intensity adjustment to obtain a suitable
setting. Note that lamp life will be extended if a lower light intensity setting is used.
Figure 7: SO-161-R Power supply top panel