Hardware manual PCD7.LRxx-PG5 room controller │ Document 27-653; version ENG07 │ 2019-03-21
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Sylk bus FBoxes
Room operating devices
The Sylk bus address for the PCD7.LR-TRxx must be configured in the adjustment
parameters. The default address is 1. If only one PCD7.LR-TRxx module is con-
nected to the Sylk bus, the default values are correctly preset in the FBoxes.
If multiple PCD7.LR-TRxx devices (max. four) are used, the Sylk bus address in
the FBox and on the associated device must be set to the same value using the
DIP switch. Permissible Sylk bus addresses are 1 to 4.
A corrective value can be set for each measured value in the FBox. The received
value from the PCD7.LR-TR40-xxx is displayed with this correction both in the
“Adjust window” and at the outputs.
Depending on the desired function, the display can still be controlled.
The setpoint can be set as an absolute value (e.g. 18.0 to 28.0) or as a cor-
rective value (e.g. -3.0 to +3.0). In the case of an absolute value, the value is
displayed; for corrective values, a slider with +/- is displayed.
Rel. humidity, if available, can be displayed on the home screen or when cy-
cling through the available values.
Air quality in CO2 ppm, if available, can be displayed on the home screen or
when cycling through the available values.
The adjustment option for the fan can be completely deactivated so that no icon
can be seen on the display. If this is activated, the user can choose between
multiple speeds, depending on the configuration. The speed selected by the
user is displayed at the “xxx.Fan” outputs.
Manual operation by the user can be disabled completely. If this is enabled, the
user can manually set the presence using the top right key. An additional hand
symbol indicates manual operation. Manual operation is displayed at the “Man”
Home screen. When the default display is set to home screen, the value to be
displayed can be defined: setpoint, temperature, rel. humidity, air quality CO2,
without a value, or to be “rolling” through the enabled values every few sec
The icon for the occupancy status can be controlled using the “Occ”, “StandBy”
and “Occ.Man” inputs:
● “Occ” high = room in use, the "little man" icon is in his house.
● “StandBy” high = room ready, the "little man" icon is halfway in his house.
If none of the aforementioned inputs is active, the room is unoccupied, and the
"little man" icon is outside his house.
● “Occ.Man” high = room in use, the "little man" icon is in his house and a hand
symbol is displayed next to this. The “Man” output is usually linked to the “Occ.
Man” input, which corresponds to a presence button.