6) Help menu: Help menu includes the following commends:
(1) Company homepage: to open company homepage
(2) Animation help: plays the software operation process by flash
(3) Help: provides the illustration of usage help
(4) About: displays the version number of the software
B) Function bar order: Function bar order includes the following commends:
opens the original saved data base
saves the current test result by a pointed title
online / offline with sensor
new graph mode
starts curve pointing
stops curve pointing
saves current curve pointing data
prints the pointed test result by a pointed form
saves the current curve pointing form as a Photoshop file
exit software
Function bar buttons operated purpose is the same as menu bar buttons, they serve
just to provide a simple and convenient operating process.
C) Graph function bar: Graph function bar includes the following commends:
displays the whole draw pointing data on the draw pointing region of the
enlarges the space of X-axis
shortens the space of X-axis
enlarges the space of Y-axis
shortens the space of Y-axis
6. Online operation
A. Get online
First the sensor should be connected with the computer by a USB cable, then press
“in-line” button to get in-line. At this moment the real test value screen will show the
real test value, the peak value etc. The sensor will display the set parameter at the