Limit value display Good / Bad
LED display for good / bad tests
▼lower than the lower limit value
●indicates that the STOP value has been reached
▲higher than the upper limit value
An upper and a lower limit value can be programmed. The measuring instrument
compares the measurement result with the limit values and outputs the result in red or
green light diodes as well as with an acoustic signal.
Setting of the limit values see SET menu under "Buttons
Simple measurement (track mode)
Display (pos. 1) of the currently acting force and force direction (pos. 7; arrow)
Zero position through:
Peak Hold Function (Peak Mode)
Switch over by pressing:
Auto Peak Hold Mode (Auto Peak Mode)
Switch over by pressing:
Minimum limit value function to activate the measured value storage
This function is used for measurements where unwanted "pre-peaks" occur that are
below the peak value (Fp) being searched for. The adjustable limit value (Fo) prevents
the meter from storing the "pre-peaks".
Minimum limit function is only possible in "Peak Mode
Setting the minimum limit value function see SET menu under "Operating buttons