Rope Handling
Load an empty or partially filled cassette on the levelwind platform. Start the levelwind pulley at the top of an empty cas-
sette. If the cassette is partially full, remove rope until the last wrap is at bottom or top of the cassette. Start the levelwind pulley
at that location. If you are using an empty cassette, thread the rope through the hole in the cassette flange. Loop the rope
through the levelwind pulley, around the platform rope guide and onto the capstan. The cassette will rotate clockwise to take up
rope. Provide seven wraps on the capstan in a counter-clockwise direction starting at the bottom left of the capstan and working
to the top. For optimal performance, the platform elevation level should allow the incoming rope to enter the capstan just below
the curved portion of the flange. Engage the capstan by activating the directional control valve at the console to take-up remain-
ing rope slack. You are now ready to pull.
If the length of your pull requires multiple rope cassettes, you will need to re-load an empty cassette onto the platform. When
the spliced portion of the rope moves between the capstan and the full cassette, hold the rope between the capstan and the
splice to prevent slippage during change out. Disconnect the splice and remove the full cassette and tie its rope against itself
and return it to the payout bracket. Install an empty cassette in its place. Continue to take-up rope until enough is present to
thread it onto the empty cassette in the manor described previously. Take-up any remaining slack by manually turning the cas-
sette clockwise and continue pulling.
Our Model 1570-30 Simplex Rope Connector is a convenient method to connect ropes with spliced eyes together. An advant-
age to this system is the unlimited pull lengths that can be achieved by connecting multiple ropes together. After attaching each
rope to the connector, wrap tape around the center to retain the rope when slack.
Available Rope Configurations
Rope Type.......................Length.......Avg Break Strength........Cassette Type................P/N
11/32" Dia Amsteel...................1350'.................14,100 lbs ...................Steel ........................1570-80
11/32" Dia Amsteel Blue...........1800'.................20,445 lbs....................Aluminum ................1570-83
5/16" Dia Amsteel Blue.............1600'.................13,700 lbs....................Steel ........................1570-81
5/16" Dia Amsteel Blue.............2200'.................13.700 lbs....................Aluminum.................1570-82
9/32" Dia Amsteel Blue.............2700'.................10,600 lbs....................Aluminum.................1502
Operation & Maintenance Manual
Model 1570-B Puller
Page 8