Serial Interface
Pin #
Frame Ground
Transmit Data
Receive Data
Data Set Ready
Signal Ground
Data Terminal Ready
The RS232 Serial interface connector is a DB-25F. To correctly interface to
a PC serial port requires a DB-25P/9P to DB-25F Null Modem Cable. The
DSW1 configuration settings for the RS232 data format must match those
of the host system. If they do not, the printer will beep when data is sent and
display a FRAMING ERROR message on the display. If the Baud Rate se-
lected by DSW1-5 and DSW1-6 does not match that of the host, the printer
will ignore any data sent. The serial baud rate and word format settings can
be changed on either the printer or the host to correct the condition, but they
must match.
CL408/412 Software and Drivers
Label Wizard SE
A copy of Label Wizard SE is included on the CD-ROM shipped with each
printer. Label Wizard SE is an evaluation copy of SATO’s Label Wizard De-
sign and Production software for Windows 3.1/95/98. It can be used with
any SATO printer. The SE version is a fully functional label design software
package but is limited to printing only one label at a time. It can be up-
graded at any time to a full Label Wizard version, complete with sophisti-
cated label production capabilities by purchasing an upgrade package from
your SATO dealer. Any label design created in the SE version can be used
in the upgraded package. The Label Wizard SE software is an excellent vehi-
cle for experimenting with different label designs and demonstrating the fea-
tures of SATO printers.
When loading the Label Wizard SE software on your PC, make sure that
you also load the SATO Generic Printer Driver which is required for print-
ing (this is not the same driver as the Windows drivers described below).
A complete set of Label Wizard documentations is provided on the CD-
Pin 1
Pin 13
Pin 25
Pin 14
CL408/412 Quick Guide
Page 9
PN 9001067 Rev A