If the print is too light, increase the heat setting using either software
or the LCD panel. If the print is too dark and the bars in a bar code
are fuzzy and run together, lower the heat setting. Fine adjustments
can be made by adjusting the PRINT potentiometer on the front
If the print is too light, try varying the print speed using either the
LCD panel or software commands.
Is your ribbon/label combination compatible. Low quality paper
labels may have a surface that is too rough for resin based ribbons to
adhere. Wax based may not be able to adhere well to some synthetic
label material.
Check to make sure the sensing method selected matches the media
loaded. The CL408/412 comes from the factory set for detecting a
label gap (DSW2-2 = On) and there must be a gap of at least 1/8"
between labels. If Eye-Mark (a black line across the underside of the
label) labels are used, DSW-2 must be On to enable the reflective
If continuous media is being used without any type of registration,
the sensor must be turned off (DSW3-3=ON). Otherwise, the printer
will feed approximately 20" of paper and then give a “SENSOR
ERROR” message.
If the label gap or eye-mark registration bar does not extend acoss
the width of the label, you may have to adjust the position of Label
Sensor Assembly. See the Operator and Technical Reference
Manual, Section 2 for information on adjusting the Label Sensor
Make sure the labels are routed through the Label Sensor, not over
the top of it.
Communication format between the printer and host must be
synchronized when using the serial interface. The CL408/412
RS232 Serial Interface card comes from the factory set for no parity,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit (N,8,1) at 9600 bps and using a Ready/Busy
data flow control handshake (DSW1-8 = Off). If the computer is
sending data in a different format, the printer is not able to correctly
interpret it and a FRAMING ERROR message will appear on the
LCD screen.
CL408/412 Quick Guide
PN 9001067 Rev A
Page 12