IntelliFlow 2 Liquid Installation Guide
875-0387-100 Rev A1
With the IntelliFlow 2™ (IF2) control system on board, the installed GPS, working with IF2, automatically controls
aerial spray rates. This produces an accurate constant flow rate or a variable rate based on prescription maps
(PMAPs) and/or 3rd party software. The required flow rates can be pilot selected, or PMAPs can be created using
Satloc MapStar® desktop software.
Enter desired rates through the GPS interface, and the IF2 system will regulate and maintain selected rates. Once
installed, the G4 or Bantam GPS controls the IntelliFlow 2™ system settings. Spray rates are automatically cont-
rolled with an accurate constant flow rate or a variable rate based on application selections or prescription maps
(PMAPs) in the GPS system. Fine-tune applications through the rate bump feature for more precise applications.
The Satloc G4™ will switch between liquid and dry settings with ease. Control your Transland Hydraulic 5”, 7.5”,
or 10” gate system inside the Satloc G4™ and IntelliFlow 2™ connections. The IntelliFlow 2™ control system comes
with a controller, associated cabling, and required unlocks. Liquid kits include a valve with a motor and a meter
with a magnetic sensor.
Liquid and Dry control options
Regulate and maintain selected rates
Flow control options in 0.5”, 1”, 1.5”, 2”, and 3” versions
Fine tune application with rate bump
Display pressure on screen and lightbar with optional transducer
Liquid Applications Include:
Aerial agricultural crop applications
Forestry applications
Demanding eradication suppression spray program
This system sprays precise patterns
using constant rate flow control,
thereby reducing:
Flying time
Application costs
Pilot fatigue