Fig. 3. DLOADX
program: keypad settings stored in the ABAX 2 / ABAX controller.
4.2 Settings stored in the control panel
These settings you can configure:
DLOADX program:
“VERSA – Structure” window
“Hardware” tab
modules” branch
[keypad name]
(see: Fig. 4),
LCD keypad:
“Service mode”
“1.Kpds. & exps.”
[keypad name]
4.2.1 Parameters and options
Given in the square brackets are the names of parameters and options presented on the
keypad display.
– individual name of the keypad (up to 16 characters).
Tamper signaled in part.
[Tamper in p.] – partition in which tamper alarm will be triggered if
the keypad tamper switch is opened or the keypad is not present.
CHIME signal of zones
[Zone chime] – the keypad can audibly signal violation of selected
zones. If the zone is armed, violation will not trigger the CHIME signal.
The wireless keypad signals the CHIME from zones not more frequently than once
every 30 seconds. When the keypad is in the sleep mode, the CHIME from zones is
only signaled if a value different from 0 is preset for the “Wake-up” parameter.
Sign. entry delay
[Entry time sign.] – if this option is enabled, the keypad audibly signals the
entry delay countdown.
Sign. exit delay
[Exit time sign.] – if this option is enabled, the keypad audibly signals the
exit delay countdown.
Sign. alarms
[Alarm signalling] – if this option is enabled, the keypad audibly signals the
alarms. The alarm is signaled during the “Keypad’s alarm time” (refer to the control panel
programming manual). The alarms are not signaled, if the “Grade 2”
option is enabled in
the control panel.