24 KNX-BIN24
Control scheme
– selects the control scheme:
Type A: Button short pressing = Step; Button long pressing = On / Off
– depending
on the selected control method:
one-channel control – long button press will turn the lighting on /off. When the lighting is
on, each short button press will dim the light down. When the lighting is off, each
short button press will dim the light up.
two-channel control – long button press in the first channel (“Dimming up: control
channel”) will turn the lighting on. Long button press in the second channel
(“Dimming down: control channel”) will turn the lighting off. Short button press in the
first channel (“Dimming up: control channel”) will dim the light up. Short button press
in the second channel (“Dimming down: control channel”) will dim the light down.
Type B: Button short pressing = On / Off; Button long pressing = Step; Falling edge
= Stop
– depending on the selected control method:
one-channel control – short button press will turn the lighting on /off. When the lighting
is on, the long button press will dim the light down. When the lighting is off, the long
button press will dim the light up. Dimming up / down direction will change after each
long press. Falling edge (button release) will stop dimming the light up / down.
two-channel control – short button press in the first channel (“Dimming up: control
channel”) will turn the lighting on. Short button press in the second channel
(“Dimming down: control channel”) will turn the lighting off. Long button press in the
first channel (“Dimming up: control channel”) will dim the light up. Long button press
in the second channel (“Dimming down: control channel”) will dim the light down.
Falling edge (button release) in the channel will stop dimming the light up / down.
Lighting control by using two channels can only be correctly implemented when two
different channels are selected in the “Dimming up: control channel” and “Dimming
down: control channel” fields.
“Type B” is the dedicated scheme to control lighting by using physical channels. It is
recommended for this scheme that the dimming up/down step value be set at 100%
(“Dimming up: step value” and “Dimming down: step value” fields). Thus the light
dimming up / dimming down will only be stopped when the button is released by the
Please remember that the binary input module enables the signals from outside of the
KNX system to be changed into control telegrams for other devices on the bus (e.g. for
dimming actuators), but interpretation of these telegrams depends on how these
actuators are configured.
Fig. 12
shows an example of lighting control using one channel (“Type B” control scheme)
Fig. 13
– using two channels (“Type A” control scheme).