Edition du 29/03/12 10/16 U508113-e Révision 4
5.5. Preset with XAD 39 mechanical Preset valve
A cam assembled on the lower part of the preset controls a shaft which opens or closes the preset valve .
The Preset valve consists of the following elements :
An outer casing in aluminium (1)
A moving needle (2)
A mobile part consisting of a piston (3), a gasket (4) which slides within the chamber
A spring (5) maintaining the moving part on its seat (6)
A drive system consisting of a guide (7), a control lever (8) and an eccentric (9).
5.6. Preset with XAD 54 pneumatic Preset valve
See Installation, Operation and maintenance manual Ref.U516120
5.7. Three way valve
Fitted at the meter outlet, the 3-way-valve allows measured distribution through two different pipes in condition to
assure the security of a precise measure for one or the other of the pipes.
The 3 way valve is a ball-valve. Its body forms a 90° elbow which turns on its inlet shaft.
A control lever enables the selection of one outlet or the other, by rotating 180° through a neutral p osition of
complete closure. This means that the two outlets never come into contact with one another.
A locking system linked to the meter head (register and ticket printer) prevents the control lever from rotating
more that half its possible movement when the printer is blocked and the register is being reset.
The locking system therefore prevents liquid flow via the outlet that has not been selected, and prevents any
modification in the position of the valve during distribution.
For this, the 3-way-valve is linked to the measuring chamber and the meter head (register and printer) by a
mechanical linkage and is sealed by the appropriate Weights and Measures seal.