Saratoga Spa
• Install at least 5 feet (1.5 m) from all metal surfaces. A spa may be installed within 5 feet
of a metal surface if each metal surface is permanently connected by a minimum No . 8
AWG (8.4 mm) solid copper conductor attached to the wire ground connector on the
terminal box that is provided for this purpose if in accordance with National Electrical
Code ANSI/NMFPA70-1993 .
• Install your spa in such a way that drainage is away from the electrical compartment
and from all electrical components .
aVoIdIng rISK oF InJurY
• To reduce the risk of injury to persons, DO NOT remove suction fittings located at
the bottom footwell of the spa .
• The suction fittings in the spa are sized to match the specific water flow created by the
pump . Never replace a suction fitting with one rated less than the flow rate marked on
the original suction fitting . Never operate the spa if the suction fittings are broken or
missing .
• There is a danger of slipping and falling. Remember that wet surfaces can be very
slippery . Take care when entering or exiting the spa .
• People with infectious diseases should not use the spa.
• Keep any loose articles of clothing or hanging jewelry away from rotating jets or other
moving components .
• The use of drugs, alcohol, or medication before or during spa use may lead to
unconsciousness with the possibility of drowning .
• Persons using medications should consult a physician before using a spa; some medication
may cause a user to become drowsy, while other medication may affect heart rate, blood
pressure, and circulation .
• Persons taking medications which induce drowsiness, such as tranquilizers,
antihistamines or anticoagulants should not use the spa .
• Water temperature in excess of 104ºF (38ºC) may be injurious to your health.
• Pregnant women should consult a physician before using spa.
• Persons suffering from obesity, or with a medical history of heart disease, low or high
blood pressure, circulatory system problems, or diabetes should consult a physician
before using spa .
• Persons using or having Implanted Pacemakers or Defibrillators should consult their
physician prior to using a spa, as there are risks of electrocution .
uncLEan WatEr
• Keep the water clean and sanitized with correct chemical care.
• Maintain water chemistry in accordance with chemical manufacturer’s instructions.
• Turn the Jet Pump on high speed after adding ANY spa water chemicals into the spa. It will
operate for a 15 minute cycle before shutting off automatically .
• Clean the filter cartridges monthly to remove debris and mineral buildup which may
affect the performance of the jets, limit the flow, or cause a high limit problem .