Saratoga Spa
The Jets in the Saratoga Spa® Luxury Line have different
ways to adjust the jet therapy systems . While having the
Hydro Jet pump(s) on the user has the ability to turn
on and off each individual Versa-Flo™ Jet . The Versa-
Flo™ Jet(s) can be turned on and off by turning the
outer scallop on the face of the jet . In addition to having
the ability to control each individual jet, the jets can be
adjusted by the following zones .
Saratoga Spa® uses six different ways to adjust the
jet therapy zones . The Roto Stream™ Valves, ProJet
Stream™ Valves, Versa-Flo™ Valves, and Versa-Flo™
Micro Valves give the user the ability to control the
different Jet Therapy Zones . The Air Control valve
controls the intensity of the Jets by opening or restricting
airflow The following pages will discuss the different jet
therapy zones found in the Luxury Line Spas .
Versa-Flo™ Air Control Valve
Versa-Flo™ Valve
Roto Stream™ Valve
ProJet Stream™ Valve
Versa-Flo™ Micro Valve
Saratoga Spa JEt SELEctorS
Roto Stream™ Manual Valve