Saratoga Spa
Freeze protection
If the temperature sensors detect a drop to below 44°F/6.7°C within the heater, the pumps will
automatically activate to provide freeze protection . The equipment stays on until 4 minutes after
the sensors detect that the spa temperature has risen to 45°F/7.2°C or higher.
Summer Set Mode
Your spa is equipped with this feature to prevent heat build up . Summer Set Mode is activated
when the water temperature exceeds the set temperature by 3°F. When the Summer Set Mode is
activated it will suspend the filter cycle for 30 minutes, then Pump 1 will run on low speed for 2
minutes . It will continue this way until the water temperature returns to the set temperature .
automated purge cycle
Every 12 hours the Jet Pump(s) will engage. Pump 1 on low speed, and on selected models
Pumps 2 and Pumps 3 on high speed for a duration of 5 minutes. This process purges the jet
plumbing lines twice daily, making sure water in the plumbing lines is moved out into the spas
main body of water.
SatELLItE panEL (EMpIrE, LIncoLn, and broadWaY onLY)
This smaller satellite panel is located on the spa collar opposite the main panel/topside control .
All the features that are available for Jets 2 are accessible by using this smaller satellite panel .
Temperature and light functions are not accessible through the smaller satellite panel .
Spa carE and WatEr MaIntEnancE
gEnEraL InForMatIon
Your Saratoga Spa® is manufactured from the highest quality, most durable materials available
today . We recommend that a spa maintenance program be followed . The care you take will
ultimately determine how long your spa or its individual components will last . This section
will help you maintain your investment .
replacing the Water
Proper spa maintenance (regular draining and replacing of spa water according to these
directions along with filter cleaning), proper spa water treatment (water balance and maintaining
correct sanitizer levels), and proper installation (adequate ventilation) are the keys to ensuring
sanitary, healthy spa water .
It is recommended that you completely drain your spa every 45 to 90 days . Normally, after a
period of time the water will become sudsy and harder to maintain and should be replaced . The
NSPI WRI, Water Replacement Interval Formula is as follows:
WRI = .33 X Spa Volume in US Gallons
Average Bathers per Day
Heavy usage may require more frequent draining .