The instrument
The new Radon Scout is a versatile, easy to use and state-of-the-art instrument focussed on
the detection of Radon (Rn-222) in the ambient air. Beside the activity concentration of
Radon, air temperature and relative humidity and barometric pressure in case of the
RADON-SCOUT PLUS will be determined and saved to a non-volatile circular memory (first
in - first out). Up to 670 (RADON-SCOUT PLUS up to 16383) chronological data sets will be
available for data transfer to PC. An internal real time clock ensures a correct time regime, a
tamper lock indicates dislocation during the measurement.
In case of the RADON-SCOUT PLUS a display informs about the actual readings.
Neither mechanical parts like membrane pumps nor an external power supply are required.
Therefore, use and exposition at home or at workplace is possible without any disturbance. A
total duration of measurement of up to four month with continuos data recording is possible.
Due to its small dimensions and little weight, the Radon-Scout can be shipped by mail to the
place of interest/measurement without any additional man-power required for installation or
start-up of an analysis
– even untrained staff is able to start a measurement.
Entire part of delivery will be a comfortable software for data read out and dose assessment,
easy data back up and publishing of results in protocol prints.
Read out of measurement data and adjustment of device parameter
Interactive graphic display with zoom and pan
Automatic backup of measurement data
Protocol print of customised time periods with individual header
Selective export and conversion of customised time periods to text files for additional
tasks (like import to EXCEL)
Front panel elements