The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
215.322.6063 P.
215.322.8498 F.
1. Screw the mounting bracket to the double gang box using four (4) inner holes on mounting bracket, or mount the mounting
bracket directly to the wall or ceiling using the four (4) outer holes.
2. Insert the wires through the mounting bracket (110V or 24V ONLY).
3. Fish the wires through the clock hanging rod.
4. Secure hanging rod to mounting bracket with screws supplied, and place cover over connection.
5. Connect the wiring as shown on the wiring diagrams.
6. Plug the connectors into the movements (110V or 24V ONLY).
7. Place the clocks on the double mount housing and tighten the screws to secure clocks as shown above.
Metal Double Mount Installation