User Manual & Datasheet V 2.3
Troubleshooting & Fault Indica-
Output Indications
Green LED Glows When:
Fork is Uncovered and Fail-safe is High
Fork is Covered and Fail-safe is Low
Red LED Glows When:
Fork is Covered and Fail-safe is High
Fork is Uncovered and Fail-safe is Low
Error Indications
Blue LED glows when temperature of electronic
insert goes above
Loss of Vibration
When Red LED blinks continuously and Fail-safe
is High
When Green LED blinks continuously and Fail-
safe is Low
Troubleshooting: The following reasons may be re-
sponsible for the absence of vibrations in the fork:
The instrument is damaged.
The instrument is working but there may be solid
particles in the application medium clogging the
Heavy build-up of application medium can
dampen the fork oscillations. In this case, the
fork requires to be cleaned.
If material is very viscous, the fork vibrations will
resume when the fork is uncovered.
In this case,
the error indication should be ignored.
No LED Glows
This would happen in absence of power supply
to the instrument.
Line Break to Piezo Drive/Oscillator
In fail-safe ’High’ mode, instrument will switch to
alarm condition if the connectivity between vibrat-
ing fork and electronics is lost.
The electronics of elixir instrument needs no mainte-
nance. When cleaning and checking the vessel, free the
tuning fork from deposits. If the material has tendency to
form a hard sticky deposit, the instrument must be checked
more often. Make sure that the cable ducts and the lid are
tightly sealed so that no moisture seeps into the instrument.
Customer Support
Thank you for going through the instructions given in this
manual. To further ease the process of installation and use,
we have developed special demo videos which are hosted
on YouTube.
Sapcon’s YouTube channel, SAPCON INSTRUMENTS,
lists all these videos:
Should you require further information regarding installa-
tion, use or working of the instrument, please don’t hesitate
to contact us. Kindly provide the following information at the
time of contacting:
Instrument Model and Serial Number
Purchase Order Number and Date of Purchase
Description of the query
Your contact details
In an attempt to serve you better, we are open seven days
a week (9:30am to 7:30pm). We are available at:
Sapcon Instruments Pvt.Ltd.