§ Nose Gear, Fixed (Optional)
Viper Jet MKII Composite
mount and the flat bulkhead then the nose gear
mount did not engage correctly; remove it and
start again.
When correctly installed, the nose gear mount
will be engaged with the fuselage bulkhead at
three locations; the front of the assembly, the
track you slid it through in the middle and at the
rear of the assembly.
Once the nose gear mount is in position it is
attached with a single screw above the bottom
of the servo. Use some thin CA adhesive to
reinforce the hole the screw will fit in.
Nose gear mount in position and attached
With the fuselage upside-down insert the long
collet through the hole for the nose gear, it
should engage with the short shaft and seat up
against the nose gear mount. Tighten the set
screw on the inside of the fuselage using a hex
wrench through the hole in the side of the
Tighten the inside set screw of the long collet
Complete the assembly by attaching the long
section of the strut to the long collet and
attaching the nose wheel to the strut using the
last collet. Use thread locking compound to
ensure the collets does not come loose.
Completed fixed nose gear
If you find that the airplane sits nose high on its
wheels trim the nose wheel lower strut shorter
to make the airplane sit level.