Repair Flow Chart:Trouble Condition
Green Power LED and LCD backlights is ON, but no video or OSD.
LCD backlight is ON,
but TV has NO VIDEO or OSD.
For analog board:
Is the 12V supplied from “K8B Pin 6/7”?
For digital board:
Is power 12V supllied from “K5A Pin5”?
Replace“Power board” and
“Wire harness”.
For digital board:
Is power 12V to TCON supplied
from“K7200 Pin1/2/3/4” ?
Analog board can not work.
Replace “analog board”.
Is FFC singal working?
(see TABLE*1.0)
Confirm FFC cable connection
and then check video or OSD again.
T.Cnt.Board or LCD panel can not work.
1st:Replace“T.Cnt.Board&FFC Cable”.
If T.Cnt.board&FFC cable has no
problem, then 2nd:Replace“LCD Panel”.
Digital board can not work.
Replace “digital board”.
Digit board can not work.
Replace “digital board”.
If FFC singal output is OK, the digital board is
normally OK, but can not be sure. If
the T Cont Board & FFC has no problem,
please try the digital Board before changing
the panel.
No:0V or 1.1Vconstant
Page 3
(TABLE*1.0)Main board:"FFC Clock"Test Points
50" Models
LVDS Clock on digital board
P50842-00 Z6WE
P50842M-00 Z6WEM
P50842-01 Z6WF
P50842M-01 Z6WFM
K7200 Pin32 clock+
K7200 Pin33 clock-
Note:The bandwidth of the oscilloscope and probe must be at least 100MHZ or higher to check if the clock pulse exists.