Explanation of Action Label
• Label,1 :
This caution label explains burning hazard with touching the chamber, door or arm,
if the unit is in operation or immediately afterward.
• Label,2 :
This caution label explains burning hazard with touching the chamber, door or arm,
if the unit is in operation or immediately afterward.
/j^ This symbol means caution of easily-touched higher temperature parts.
• Label,3 :
To avoid the malfunction of the unit in accordance with chamber corrosion, this
label explains the ban of contents use which is able to corrode stainless steel, and
explains maintenance after use.
• Label,4 :
This label explains caution for installation of the unit and maintenance.
• Label.5 :
This label explains usage of Drain tank and its caution.
• Label,6 :
This label explains cautions of water-draining from the drain valve.
/v^ This symbol means caution of easily-touched higher temperature parts.
• Label.7 :
This label explains cautions of water out letting from the drain valve.
• Label,8 :
This label explains burning hazard in accordance with issuing high temperature
boiling water from safety valve.