Loss from connecting the meter to a 600-ohm line
is negligible, but when a high impedance circuit is
checked, the internal resistance of the meter must be
fully taken into consideration.
Capacity and High Resistance Measurements,
a Zero Correction.
See 1-a.
b Range Selection.
Use a suitable range referring
to the following table:
c Connections.
For the connections of the meter,
external power and the unit to be checked, see the
illustrations of next page.
M e a s u re m e n t of | R a n g e m e a s u re d E x t e r n a l p o w er M e te r r a n g e
C a p a c ity
C a p a c ity
H ig h r e s is t a n c e
0.001~ 0.2/
0.0001 ~ 0 .006
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