Measurement of
Proper range to be used
0 - I50n
R x l
150H - 1. 5kO
R x 10
1. 5kO - 15kn
R x 100
15kf2 - 5mgO
R x IK
c Test Lead Connections.
RUCTIONS^. (Fig. 4-3)
d Zero Ohm Adjustment.
The test leads connected
to the meter are shorted together.
As the pointer
deflects towards right, it is adjusted to be exactly
over zero by turning the zero ohm adjuster (012 ADJ).
Fig. 4-4 & -5.
Do not force it beyond its stop
Zero ohm adjustment is to avoid error caused by
the wearing out of the internal batteries or change
of their load current. The pointer must be adjusted
every time the range is moved over, and from time
to time when resistances are checked.
If zero adjustment is impossible when the adjuster
is turned full downwards, or if the pointer moves to
zero but soon moves back on the R x l position, the
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