It is important to avoid smoking, eating, taking medication, alcohol
consumption or physical activity 30 minutes prior to taking a reading. If
for any reason you are unable to or should not use your left wrist,
please modify the instructions for cuff application to your right wrist.
Your physician can help you identify which wrist is best for you to take
measurements from.
Applying Your Cuff
1. Remove any constrictive clothing or jewelry that may interfere with
cuff placement.
2. Be seated at a table or desk with your feet flat on the floor.
3. Hold your wrist in front of you with your palm facing upward.
4. Apply the preformed cuff to your wrist so that the digital display
face is positioned on the inside area of your wrist facing you.
5. Adjust the cuff 0.5~1 cm from the edge of the head of the ulna
6. The cuff should fit comfortably, yet snugly
around your wrist.
Blood pressure naturally varies from one wrist to the
other; therefore, measure your blood pressure on the
same wrist to ensure comparability of the two readings.
0.5~1 cm