Fujian Jinjiang Sanli Engine Co., Ltd.
declares that the following equipment manufactured by Fujian Jinjiang Sanli Engine Co.,
Ltd conforms to the following Directive(s): 98/37/EC amended by directive 2004/26/EC on
polluting particles,2006/42/EC,2006/95/EC(low voltage directive) and 2000/14/EC on the
noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors, amended by Directive
Equipment Category – Brush cutter
Product Name/Model: Brush cutter/GTS33
Type/Serial No.: N/A
Mass in kg: 7.5kgs
Cutting Width: 40 cm
Net installed power: 32.6cc
The technical documentation is kept by:
Name:Mr.Liu Qingguo
Company: Fujian Jinjiang Sanli Engine Co.,Ltd.
Address: Wuli Industrial Park, Jinjiang,Fujian,362263 P.R.China
The conformity assessment procedure followed was in accordance with EN ISO
11806:2008 and EN ISO 3744:1995 & EN ISO 3746:1995.
And annex V
of Directive 2000/14/EC amended by Directive 2005/88/EC
Notified Body:
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH- Ridlerstrasse 65-80339 MÜnchen
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH- Westendstrasse 65-80686 MÜnchen
Measured Sound Power Level: 91dB(A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 114dB(A)
A copy of this certificate has been submitted to the European Commission and to EU
Member State UK.
Place of Declaration: Wuli Industrial Park, Jinjiang,Fujian,362263 P.R.China
Date: 09/12/2010
Signed by: Mr.Hu Dingsheng
Position in Company : General Engineer
Name and address of manufacturer or
Authorised representative
Fujian Jinjiang Sanli Engine Co.,Ltd.
Wuli Industrial Park, Jinjiang, Fujian, 362263,P.R.China