III. Trouble shooting of adding new songs
Check whether the format of added songs is compatible with the KOD.
Before adding songs from SD card please check if there are duplicated song numbers
with hard drive inside the KOD, if it is then please change to use different number or it
will not be played back.
Make sure SD card is connected firmly and properly into KOD machine, Reinsert SD
card into KOD machine.
There are two ways to check whether SD card is connected firmly and properly: 1) in
non-karaoke mode, the picture of main menu will shake for a second while insert SD
card, that means the system can detect data from SD;2) Ente“4.FILE ”menu, if you see
there is HD and SD in device list, means the system has detected SD card successfully.
(HD:hard disk: SD: SD card)
Check label on SD card to make sure it is a standard SD card. If you see there is a mark
of “SDHC” on it, that means it is a SDHC card, but not a standard SD card, The KOD
supports standard SD Card only. Usually a SD card under 2GB will be compatible with
the KOD.
Make sure there are KARAOKVOB folder and LIST folder in root directory of SD card.
Make sure there are related files and folder in above mentioned folder.
Please check whether the channel of original song is normal or not, if it is not, please
add the song again through add-song-tools (Createsonglist&photo), and select different
item of vocal channel accordingly.
When you add up a new song with two artists or more please use “&” to divide the
name of artist in singer list
? Can not find a
song with two
artists or more
in singer list
?Added songs
can't play
“Upgrade fail
SD card not
present” when
adding songs
through SD
list Not found"
when adding
songs through
SD card.
? There is no
vocal or the
function of vocal
on/off works