Choice RSTAT5 RF
Wireless Digital Programmable Thermostat
User Instructions
A programmable thermostat differs from a programmer that you may be used to.
With this thermostat you do not set on and off times. Instead you are setting your
desired temperature at varying points throughout the day. This means your home
will always be comfortably warm when needed but you will not be wasting energy
(and money) heating your home when it’s not required.
If your thermostat is set to 21°C, for example, your boiler will run until the
thermostat reads over that temperature and then tell the boiler to turn off,
meaning you won’t be calling for heat when your home is already at your desired
When you set a temperature you are saying you don’t want the heating to come on
unless the room temperature is lower than the set temperature.
The Choice RSTAT5 RF comprises of a portable battery powered thermostat
(transmitter) and a separate wall mounted mains relay box (receiver). The
transmitter should be located in the main living area and the receiver is mounted
close to the boiler.
This programmable room thermostat has been designed to bring you comfort and
energy economy. It allows you to program and regulate your heating system using
up to 6 programmable events per day.
To ensure its correct operation the thermostat should be mounted or situated
approximately 1.3m above the floor and away from direct sunlight, heat sources and