CAUTION - Improper alignment of engine and frame
mounts may cause abnormal stresses resulting in
damage to crankcases or other parts.
2. Test-fit instructions for Twin Cam style cases
with Evo Style motor mounts.
1. Assemble case halves using case bolts.
Tighten to snug. Torquing bolts to final
specification is not necessary.
2. Clean frame engine mounts and carefully
remove any irregularities from mounting
surfaces. Also inspect crankcase mounting
bosses for burrs.
3. Position case assembly in frame.
Install engine mounting bolts in motor mounts,
and check clearance between mounting
bosses on cases and frame and any other
areas where frame and cases may contact
each other. Bolts may be difficult to install if
contact is severe.
5. If cases contact frame, remove them and
relieve just enough material in offending area
to provide clearance.
6. Place cases in frame, install one rear mounting
bolt and snug nut.
7. Measure gap between crankcase mounting
bosses and frame motor mounts with feeler
gauge to determine if shimming is required.
If gap exists, fabricate shim just thick enough
to fill gap
9. Install opposite corner shim and mounting bolt
and nut, and tighten identical to other bolt.
10. Check other corners with feeler gauge to
confirm thickness required is same as before.
If not, determine cause and correct.
NOTE - S&S Twin Cam style crankcase installation in
Evolution style motorcycle frame is essentially the same as
stock, although additional clearancing and shimming may
occasionally be required. When this style of case is solid
mounted instead of rubber mounted, additional care must
be taken in installing the case. Main areas of concern are
between cases and frame motor mounts. Checking
clearance around and between case mounting bosses and
frame is necessary to insure that crankcase rests squarely
on motor mount pad and no stress is applied to crankcases
when mounting bolts are tightened. Shimming may be
required to compensate for variances between frames.
E. Engine Assembly
S&S supplies Torco Engine Assembly Lube with each
Engine. It should be used as specified in following
instructions. While other brands of assembly lube are
acceptable, other lubricants are not. In no instance should
an aerosol lubricant be substituted for assembly lube.
While S&S has made every effort to insure that parts are
correct, it is the engine builder’s responsibility to confirm fit
and finish of all parts provided with Engines prior to
assembly. Parts are deburred at S&S and usually require
no further preparation, but must also be inspected by
installer. Individual parts should not be removed from
protective plastic wrappers until needed. After removal
from plastic, it is imperative that parts be thoroughly
cleaned and dried, preferably with compressed air. When
present, rust preventative must be completely removed.
Additionally, gaskets must be closely inspected for particles
that could become dislodged and damage engine. If
assembly of Engine must be interrupted, seal openings and
cover engine with plastic to protect from destructive
Picture E2
Picture E1