This instruction manual contains important
information and must be read carefully by
competent persons prior to any handling,
transport, inspection or installation of this
product. Every care has been taken in the
preparation of the instructions and informa-
tion; however, it is the responsibility of the
installer to ensure the system complies with
relevant national and international regula-
tions, especially safety. The manufacturer,
Soler & Palau Sistemas de Ventilación S.L.U.
accepts no responsibility for breakages, ac-
cidents or any inconvenience caused by fai-
lure to comply with the instructions contai-
ned in this manual.
The fan units referred to in this manual have
been manufactured in accordance with rigo-
rous quality control and International stan-
dard ISO 9001. Once the product has been
installed, this manual to be retained by the
end user.
• The packaging used for this fan unit has
been designed to support normal trans-
porting conditions. The fan unit must
always be transported in its original pac-
kaging as not doing so could deform or da-
mage the product.
• The fan unit must always be transported in
its original packaging. Do not accept deli-
very if the fan is not in its original packa-
ging or shows clear signs of having been
• The product should be stored in a dry pla-
ce in its original packaging, protected from
dust and dirt until it is installed in its fi nal
• Do not place heavy weights on the packed
product and avoid impact damage.
• Any lifting equipment must be safe and
of suitable capacity for weight and size.
Special attention may be required to ensu-
re fan assembly does not distort or tilt as
weight distribution may vary.
• Never lift a product by pulling it by the wi-
res or terminal casing. Likewise, no pres-
sure should be applied on the propeller,
turbine or safety grid while manipulating
the product.
Storage must be in a safe, fl at, controlled
environment to prevent damage, especially
from water, sand, dust, moisture, corrosion,
temperature. Recommend that duct connec-
tions (infl ow and outfl ow) are closed to avoid
dust/debris entering the equipment. The-
se data may also apply to an installed fan,
which is not put into operation for extended
• Installation must be carried
out by qualifi ed persons ac-
ting in accordance with all
safety precautions applicable
and as required by law, regu-
lations and standards in the
country applicable.
• All fan units are designed and
manufactured in accordan-
ce with EC Directive. Safety
guard accessories are availa-