SSD (Formerly FFD) Ultra ATA 2.5"
Product Specification and User Manual
41-PS-0104-00 Rev. 2.3
The command transfers one sector of data with configurable parameters to the SSD. The format
of the data is described in Table 17.
Table 17: Data Format on the SSD
Word 0
Signature: 0x4E56
Word 1
Version: 0x100
Word 2
Word 3
Number of Parameters in whole command
Word 4
Parameter 1 ID, MSB
Word 5
Parameter 1 ID, LSB
Word 6
Parameter 1 Value, MSB
Word 7
Parameter 1 Value, LSB
Word 8
Word 251
Word 252
Parameter 63 ID, MSB
Word 253
Parameter 63 ID, LSB
Word 254
Parameter 63 Value, MSB
Word 255
Parameter 63 Value, LSB
Each parameter ID is a 32-bit number. Each parameter value is also a 32-bit number. The
following parameter IDs are currently defined:
Partition 0 Start Sector
Partition 0 Length in Sectors
Partition 1 Start Sector
Partition 1 Length in Sectors
Partition 2 Start Sector
Partition 2 Length in Sectors
Partition 3 Start Sector
Partition 3 Length in Sectors
The SET PARAMETERS command is aborted if an invalid Parameter ID or Parameter ID value
is given, for example, if the partition size exceeds the media Capacity.