On this page you can update, restart or reset the box.
Firmware upload – For loading future updates for the box. These will be available from the
Support section of the website www.sandberg.it.
System Reboot – The “Reboot” button restarts the box. It may be necessary to reboot
the box in order for certain changes to the box’s configuration to take effect. On rebooting,
the LEDs on the back of the box will flash. Wait for a minute before re-establishing the con-
nection to the box after restart.
Factory Defaults – This button resets the box to its original factory settings. Perform a
“System Reboot” after resetting in order for the settings to take effect.
SMB Server
On this page you can create folders on the hard disk that can be shared on the network. The
section “Network Access” on page 7 describes how to connect to shared folders.
“Folder List” is a list of the folders on the root of the hard disk. Any subfolders will not
appear on this list. Similarly, any folders created automatically will be placed in the root
Click “Create” to create a new folder. A dialog box opens for you to enter a name for the
new folder (max. 12 characters). Click “OK” to confirm or “Cancel” to cancel.
To rename a folder, select the folder name and click “Rename”. A dialog box opens
where you can enter a name in the field “New Name” (max. 12 characters). Click “OK”
to confirm or “Cancel” to cancel.
To delete a folder, click “Delete”. Click “OK” to confirm or “Cancel” to cancel.
“Sharing List” is a list of the folders on the hard disk that you want to share on the net-
To share a folder on the network, select the folder name in “Folder List” and click
“-->”. The folder will appear on the list of shared folders.
If you no longer wish to share a folder on the network, select the folder name in
“Sharing List”. Then click “<--”.
To password-protect a shared folder, select the folder name in “Sharing List” and click
“Password”. A dialog box opens for you to enter the password in the field “Password”
(max. 15 characters). For security reasons the new password must be entered a second
time in the field “Verify Password”. Click “OK” to confirm or “Cancel” to cancel.
To remove the password from a folder, click on the folder name in “Sharing List”. Click
“Password”, then “OK”.