1. Clean the area where the new part is to be
2. Apply a water soluble flux.
3. Set part correctly into position and prevent is from
4. Bring the soldering iron tip close to the part contact
without actually touching it. Melt thin (0.3mm)
solder between the tip and part so that it flows into
the part contact.
5. Check work quality with a magnifying lens.
3-2-4 Chip Tantalum Capacitors and
Chip filters
The types of chip tantalum capacitors and chip filters
are as follows:
· Chip Inductors
· Chip Tantalum Capacitors
· Chip Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors
· Chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
· Chip Transformers
· Chip Filters
1. Using a special desoldering iron:
a. Select soldering tip according to part size.
b. Bring the tip into contact with the solder points.
c. When the solder melts, remove the part.
d. Remove the old solder with desoldering wire.
2. Using a special desoldering iron:
a. Use small flat-blade tips.
b. Heat both ends of the part simultaneously.
c. When the solder melts, grasp and remove the
part with the soldering iron tips.
d. Remove the old solder with desoldering wire.
1. Clean the area where the new part is to be
2. Apply a water soluble flux.
3. Set part correctly into position and prevent it from
4. Use a sharp soldering iron tip. Bring the tip close to
the part contact without actually touching it. Melt
thin (0.3mm) solder between the tip and part so
that it flows into the part contact.
5. Check work quality with a magnifying lens.
3-2-5 Chip VRs, Chip Trimmer
Capacitors, Diode and Tr.
The types of parts are as follows:
· Chip VRs
· Chip Trimmer Capacitors
· Diode
· Transistors
1. Using two soldering irons.
a. Use small-flat-blade tips.
b. Heat the leads of the part simultaneously.
c. When the solder melts, grasp and remove the
part with the soldering iron tips.
d. Remove the old solder with desoldering wire.
Samsung Electronics
Reference Information