2. Ensure the SUR40 display does not have a direct line of sight to exterior windows. Sunlight
can be several thousand times brighter than indoor lighting and can easily overpower a
room, making electronic displays difficult to read. The Sun’s position and intensity changes
throughout the year, day, and often minute to minute – making it fine one second and not
the next. If the SUR40 is near windows, the best approach is to use shades and screens
to directly block all incoming exterior light. Also, check for objects and décor that may
redirect sunlight onto the SUR40 display, negatively impacting performance.
3. Keep lighting levels within target thresholds. Lower lighting levels are more conducive
to using the SUR40. Lighting is not always constant. Make sure you consider how light
around a SUR40 changes during the day. Many venues are open between 8 and 24 hours
a day. Natural and artificial lighting in such venues can change radically from morning to
afternoon to evening, and vary with season.
Even if you design light specifically for a SUR40, you may have to change or modify the
light during the day or throughout the year. For example, natural or indirect light might
darken during the evening, requiring you to turn up fluorescent lighting that is installed
specifically for the unit.
Evaluate changing lighting conditions over time to provide a better sense of how lighting
levels may vary. (See Evaluating lighting conditions data for threshold values.)
Use diffused energy efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) or LEDS to light the
surrounding area. Not all lights are created equal. Compact fluorescent lights are widely
available, cost effective and efficient means to light an environment. That efficiency
also makes them the best choice for lighting the areas around the SUR40. Tube style
fluorescent lights can also work, but it’s often harder to make sure they don’t shine directly
on the display. LED lights with a cool color temperature are the next best choice.
They are the most energy efficient and increasingly cost effective lighting source available
– and they can easily replace a wider range of older style light sources. Less efficient
light sources like incandescent bulbs, metal halide, vapor lamps and halogens are not
recommended as the emitted energy can impact SUR40 performance.