Playback (Search)
Time search (Go to Time)
1. Click right mouse button on live mode and select
2. Select storage that has recorded data.
3. System enters ‘Playback(Search)’ mode
4. Click right mouse button again and select ‘Go to’.
5. Select ‘Go to time’ of options.
6. Set date and time and press ‘OK’ to playback.
About Search options
- Go to time: set time and move to specific time.
- Go to Beginning: move to the first recorded data.
- Go to End: move to the end of data.
- Go to **sec: move to previous recorded data. (** data before)
When playback recorded data, it displays single channel image which is close to search
Calendar Search
1~3. Same as ‘Time Search’.
4. Click right mouse button again and select
5. Select date and time and press ‘Go To’.
6. Displays selected data on screen. Use playback
control button below.
7. To exit playback mode, click right mouse button and select ‘Exit Playback’.