increase the risk of head and neck cancer. A report published in the International
Journal of Epidemiology (June, 2010) compared cell phone usage for more than 5,000
people with brain tumors (glioma and meningioma) and a similar number of healthy
Results of this study did NOT show that cell phones caused brain cancer. In this study,
most people had no increased risk of brain cancer from using cell phones. For people
with the heaviest use of cell phones (an average of more than ½ hour per day, every
day, for over 10 years) the study suggested a slight increase in brain cancer. However,
the authors determined that biases and errors prevented any conclusions being drawn
from this data. Additional information about the Interphone study can be found:
Significant ongoing studies
Interphone is the largest cell phone study to date, but it did not answer all questions
about cell phone safety. Additional research is being conducted around the world, and
the FDA continues to monitor developments in this field, including:
◦ Cell Phone Industry Actions
◦ Safety Standards
◦ International Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Users (COSMOS):
◦ Risk of brain cancer from exposure to radiofrequency fields in childhood and
adolescence (MOBI-KIDS:
◦ Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program of the Nation Cancer
For up-to-date information on the above, see “FDA Radiation-Emitting Products:
Significant Ongoing Studies” at:
Reducing exposure: Hands-free kits and other accessories
Some hands-free mobile device kits and accessories can generate some radio
frequency energy when used in tandem with your mobile device. It is best to follow the
recommendations below to reduce your exposure to this type of energy during use.
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