If your mobile device has a touchscreen display, please note that a touchscreen
responds best to a light touch from the pad of your finger or a capacitive stylus. Using
excessive force or a metallic object on the touch screen may damage the tempered
glass surface and void the warranty. For more information, please refer to the Standard
Limited Warranty.
Responsible listening
Caution! Avoid potential hearing loss by not exposing yourself to loud sounds
for a prolonged period of time. The risk of hearing loss increases as sound is
played louder and for longer durations. The amount of sound produced by a
portable audio device (including headsets, earbuds, and Bluetooth® or other
wireless devices) varies depending on the nature of the sound, the device
settings, and the headphones that are used. As a result, there is no single
volume setting that is appropriate for everyone or for every combination of
sound, settings and equipment.
Prolonged exposure to loud sounds (including music) is the most common cause of
preventable hearing loss. Some scientific research suggests that using portable audio
devices, such as portable music players and mobile devices, at high volume settings
for long durations may lead to permanent noise-induced hearing loss. This includes the
use of headphones (including headsets, earbuds, and Bluetooth® or other wireless
Exposure to very loud sound has also been associated in some studies with tinnitus (a
ringing in the ear), hypersensitivity to sound, and distorted hearing. Individual
susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss and potential hearing problem varies.
Additionally, the amount of sound produced by a portable audio device varies
depending on the nature of the sound, the device settings, and the headphones that
are used. As a result, there is no single volume setting that is appropriate for everyone
or for every combination of sound, settings, and equipment.
Here are some common recommendations when using your mobile device:
◦ Use of headphones or earbuds while driving may be prohibited or restricted in your
area; check local laws and regulations.
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