SmarThru 2
The Image Viewer is an image view program. With the Image Viewer,
you can:
¥ View images stored on the hard disk or other drives.
¥ Import images to the Image Manager database
¥ Print images
¥ Associate file types with the Image Viewer to open files in the Image
Viewer by double-clicking.
Associating File Types with the Image Viewer
You can associate different file types with the Image Viewer.
To open these files in the Image Viewer, double-click in Windows
Explorer. The File Format Associations dialog box is used for establishing
these associations. The dialog box appears when you first bring up the
Image Manager-Samsung SmarThru 2 window.
To bring up this dialog box manually, take the following steps:
1. Run SmarThru 2 and open the Image Manager-Samsung SmarThru 2
window. For details, see page 3.2.
Image Viewer