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SGH-P400 Circuit Description
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2) Connector
1. LCD Connector
LCD is consisted of main LCD(color 65K TFD LCD). Chip select signals of
EMI part in the trident, CAM_CLCD_EN,
can enable main LCD. LED_EN signal enables white LED of main LCD.
This signal is from IO part of the DSP in the trident. RST signal from 2106
initiates the initial process of the LCD.
16-bit data lines(D(0)~D(15)) transfers data and commands to LCD through
emi_filter. Data and commands use A(2) signal. If this signal is high, Inputs
to LCD are commands. If it is low, Inputs to LCD are data. The signal
which informs the input or output state to LCD, is required. But this system
is not necessary this signal. So CP_WEN signal is used to write data or
commands to LCD.
Power signals for LCD are V_bat and V_ccd.
SPK1P and SPK1N from CSP1093 are used for audio speaker. And VIB_EN
from enables the motor.
2. JTAG Connector
Trident has two JTAG ports which are for ARM core and DSP
core(DSP16000). So this system has two port connector for these ports.
Pins' initials for ARM core are 'CP_' and pins' initials for DSP core are
CP_TDI and DSP_TDI signal are used for input of data. CP_TDO and
DSP_TDO signals are used for the output of the data. CP_TCK and
DSP_TCK signals are used for clock because JTAG communication is a
synchronous. CP_TMS and DSP_TMS signals are test mode signals. The
difference between these is the RESET_INT signal which is for ARM core
This system uses IRDA module, HSDL_3201, HP's. This has signals,
IRDA_EN(enable signal), IRDA_RX(input data) and IRDA_TX(output data).
These signals are connected to PPI of trident. It uses two power signals.
V_ccd is used for circuit and V_bat is used for LED.
3) IF connetor
It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use SDS, DEBUG, DLC-DETECT,
JIG_ON, VEXT, VTEST, VF, CF, VBAT and GND. They connected to power
supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC.