SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice
Tune-up Rrocedure & Test Procedure list
Config Screen (shift + test) screen
1. RF Level Offset : ON
2. RF In/Out : Input measured LOSS
1. Test cable loss : -1.4 dBm
2. SPLITTER : Input measured loss
A method of measurement
Call control screen
1. HP8924C channel equal to CDMA terminal.
2. Send call
3. Spectrum analyser
Mode : cdma analyser - more - more - xmtr spurious-spurious close
Measure -13 dB spurious
4. Change segment F-, F+, Fc then check wave form quality
"A" is pass, or when "A" was fail, "B" and "C" must pass.
4. Download New software
To download program, you need to connect your pc and mobile using data link cable or jig
box. Please make sure your phone is in DM mode ( menu 4 -> 9 ) before you are using
Ndloader. (It is easier this way)
(1) Connect your pc and handset using data link cable or jig box.
(2) Power on the phone. Please check that the phone is in DM mode. (Menu->4->9).
If it is in Handsfree mode, please change it to DM mode and press ok.
The phone will be restarted.
(3) Run the Ndloader.
(4) To make sure that your phone is connected with Ndloader, click ? icon on the program,
you would get the phone information.
(5) Click folder icon on the Ndloader to choose new binary file to download.
You will see the file information.
(6) On the right middle of Ndloader, you will see download types. Choose Normal.
(7) Now you are ready to download new software.
Then Click download icon ( the green runner ) to start download. Please wait until download is done.
If download is completed properly, the phone will be restarted.
*30 kHz bandwidth-over 900 kHz
*30 kHz bandwidth-over 1.98 MHz
*1 MHz bandwidth-over 1.385 MHz
*1 MHz bandwidth-over 2.465 MHz
OFF set
(A) -42dBc / 30kHz
(A) -54dBc / 30kHz
(B) -60dBc / 30 kHz
(B) -60dBc / 30 kHz
(C) -55dBm / 30 kHz
(C) -55dBm / 30 kHz