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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
page 100 of 162
System Performance Management
To check the current IPX-S300B system performance status including CPU, memory, and
disk utilization, watches the right side of the main monitor. Also, it can check the system
and process resource usage activity.
Figure 19. IPX-S300B Performance Monitor
System Resource Monitoring
IPX-S300B monitors the system resources in five second intervals and displays the
information in IPX-S300B Administrator. Also, when a specific resource’s usage increases,
alarms are generated in the order of Minor Major Critical to notify the administrator of any
system problems.
The system resources monitored by IPX-S300B include CPU, memory and hard disk drives.
Viewing System Resource Information
The Chart of Right Side display CPU, memory, and hard disk. Also, CPU, memory and
hard disk usage in the System Viewer screen in the bottom left corner.
If a network card stops working, it generates an alarm, which is cleared when the problem
is rectified.
Viewing Resources by Processes
When a specific process’s CPU usage increases, alarms are generated in the order of Minor
Major Critical to notify the administrator of any system problems.