CNF24 Technical Manual
© SAMSUNG Telecommunications America, LLC
Meet-Me Conference Paging Feature
Hosts can use the paging feature while a conference call is in progress, if the Paging
option is enabled. Before logon to Conference Manager, page zone (0~8) and its
members must be set in DM 4.1.3.
Logon to the Conference Manager and click on
[My Scheduler]
All conferences information is displayed.
Select conference to record and click on
Conference Status menu is displayed.
Click on
[Paging Start]
button to start paging. Page members hear paging
announcement until
[Paging Stop]
button is clicked.
Note: The paging feature uses one port/channel.
All members of the conference call, if members of the page zone, will hear the
paging. All idle page zone members will also hear the paging.
If a member is on a call, not associated with the conference call, member will not
hear the paging.
Figure 4.14 Page Meet-Me Conference