Samsung Electronics
Operating Instructions and Installation
1. A U TO MODE: In this mode, operation
mode (COOL, HEAT) is selected automati-
cally by the room temperature of initial
o p e r a t i o n .
T= -1°, -2°C, 0°C, +1°C, +2°C
T is controlled by setting temperature
up/down key of remote contro l l e r
2. C O O L MODE: The unit operates accord i n g
to the diff e rence between the setting and
room temperature .
The setting temperature range is
1 8 ° C t h rough 30°C.
3. H E AT MODE: The unit operates accord i n g
to the diff e rence between the setting and
room temperature .
The setting temperature range is 16°C
t h rough 30°C.
* P revention against cold wind : For about
3~5 minutes after initial operation, thermo
c o n t rol or °
de-ice°±, the indoor fan will
either not operate or operate very slowly
(650 rpm), then switch to the selected fan
speed. This period is to allow the indoor
unit's heat-exchanger to prewarm before
emitting warm air.
* P rotective function : High temperature
re l e a s e .
*De-ice: Deicing operation is controlled by
indoor unit's heat exchanger temperature
and room temperature and accumulating
time of compressor's operation.
4. D RY MODE: The unit is operated at com-
p ressor on state re g a rdless of room temper-
a t u re for an initial 30 minutes of dehumidi-
fication operation, and the indoor fan motor
is automatically operated due to the temper-
a t u re dif f e rence between the room tempera-
t u re and set temperature .
The compressor is automatically contro l l e d
due to the temperature diff e rence between
room temperature and set temperature after
operation of 30 minutes.
*Set Te m p e r a t u re : 23°C
* P rotective function: Low temperature
release. (Prevention against fre e z e )
5. TURBO MODE: This mode is available only
in A U TO, COOL, HEAT mode.
When this button is pressed at first, the air
conditioner is operated "powerful" state for
30 minutes re g a rdless of the set tempera-
t u re, room temperature .
When this button is pressed again, or when
the operating time is 30 minutes, turbo
operation mode is canceled and returned to
the previous mode.
6 . MILD MODE: This mode is available only
in A U TO, COOL, HEAT mode.
When this button is pressed at first, the air
conditioner is operated in its current state
for 3 hours.
When this button is pressed again or when
the operating time is 3 hours, mild opera-
tion mode is canceled and returned to the
p revious mode.
7 . S L E E P MODE: Sleep mode is available only
in COOL or HEAT mode.
The operation will stop after 6 hours.
*In COOL mode : The setting temperature
is automatically raised by 1°C each 1hour
When the temperature has been raised by
total of 2°C, that temperature is main-
t a i n e d .
*In HEAT mode : The setting temperature
is automatically droped by 1°C each 1hour.
When the temperature has been droped by
total of 2°C, that temperature is main-
t a i n e d .
8. DE-ICE Operation: De-ice operation is con-
t rolled by sensing the indoor unit's heat-
exchanger temperature and timer.
De-ice ends by sensing of the pro c e s s i n g
time by de-ice condition.
9. FAN SPEED: Manual (3 step), Auto (4 step),
N a t u r a l
Fan speed automatically varies depending
on both the diff e rence between setting and
the room temperature .
1 0 . C O M P U L S O RY O P E R ATION:
For operating the air conditioner without
the remote contro l l e r.
The operating is the same function that
A U TO MODE in the remote contro l l e r.
Room Temp
21°C +
Operation Type
Cool Operation (Set Temp:24°C+
Heat Operation (Set Temp : 22°C+
3-1-2 Main controller function.
Summary of Contents for ASH180UE
Page 2: ...Samsung Electronics Co Ltd APR 1998 Printed in Korea Code No DB81 10154A...
Page 4: ...1 2 Samsung Electronics MEMO...
Page 33: ...Samsung Electronics 5 11 MEMO...
Page 34: ...Samsung Electronics 6 1 6 Exploded Views and Parts List 6 1 Indoor Unit...
Page 40: ...6 7 Samsung Electronics MEMO...
Page 43: ...Samsung Electronics 7 3 MEMO...
Page 48: ...8 5 Samsung Electronics MEMO...
Page 49: ...Samsung Electronics 9 1 9 Wiring Diagrams 9 1 Indoor Unit...
Page 51: ...Samsung Electronics MEMO...
Page 52: ...Samsung Electronics 10 1 10 Schematic Diagrams 10 1 Indoor Unit...