Trouble shooting
Flickering × Off
※ Display interval will be alternate flickering every 2 [SEC] for 2 colors
(Ex 1[S]=yellow green on, 1[S]=red on)
※ Display interval will be alternate flickering every 3 [SEC] for 3 colors
(Ex 1[S]=red on, 1[S]=ice blue on, 1[S]=yellow green on)
Ice blue
Yellow green
4-2-2. Number expression method DISPLAY (fan coil unit, cable remote control, etc.)
■ Combined ERROR code display method
▶ Meaning of Error number/first alphabet character
▶ Error display order
Alphabet explanation
101~700 error display
701~800 error display
Fan coil unit address display Ex) A000: fan coil unit address 0, A001: fan coil unit address 1, A002: fan coil unit address 2
Error display method
Display example
Display method of error occurring in fan
coil unit
Error number → fan coil unit address → Error number , repeat display
E471 →A002 → E471 → A002